
In the second installment of Alex and Steven's exciting escapades, they find themselves facing a perilous situation as the portal door unexpectedly leads to the deadly Nether world. With your assistance, they must brave the treacherous red landscape to survive. The couple relies on each other for survival, and you can help them by ensuring they make it back safely to their own dimension. Beware of TNT that may be lurking around every corner!
In the second installment featuring the adored duo of Alex and Steven, they find themselves faced with perilous dangers upon opening the portal door to the ominous Nether Map. It's up to you to aid them in their quest for survival as they navigate through this treacherous terrain. Remember, Alex relies on your assistance just as much as Steven does – they must work together to return safely back home. Tread carefully though, for danger lurks around every corner in this explosive world full of TNT.

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