
The Alpha sector is currently facing an invasion. As a young pilot, your mission is straightforward: enter the sector, eradicate all enemy spacecraft before they eliminate you and steer clear of any asteroids while maintaining high shield levels. Accumulate as many hits as possible! This game includes an interactive tutorial and easy-to-use controls (keyboard for desktop and touch-based on mobile devices) with unlimited gameplay. Science fiction enthusiasts who enjoy franchises such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, and Guardians of the Galaxy will find this game irresistible.
The Alpha area is under attack and your mission, as a novice pilot, is straightforward. Enter the sector through warp speed and obliterate the adversary spacecraft before they can take you down. Be sure to steer away from any asteroids blocking your path while keeping up strong shield defense. Gain points by scoring vital hits! Features of this game include an interactive tutorial, uncomplicated controls able to be accessed via keyboard on desktop or touch controls on mobile devices, and ceaseless playability that sci-fi fans who enjoy movies such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or Guardians of the Galaxy will thoroughly appreciate.

Comment jouer

Anéantissez les vaisseaux ennemis avant qu'ils ne vous détruisent. Évitez les astéroïdes et maintenez vos boucliers levés.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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