
Always Green is a straightforward, exhilarating and demanding game that requires attentiveness and nimble fingers. Your sole objective is to always tap the green key, adjusting promptly to any changes. One misstep results in instant defeat, while sluggishness equals failure. Are you ready for this challenge? The features include a position list, unlockable achievements, fast gameplay pace, compatibility with high-resolution devices and Versus Mode.
Always Green is a straightforward, thrilling, and demanding game that requires attentiveness and quick reflexes. Your objective is to continuously touch the green key while promptly responding to any alterations. Failure to do so will result in the end of the game; choose incorrectly or move too slowly, and it's over. Do you feel prepared for this challenge? Features include a position list, achievement unlocks, rapid gameplay rhythm, optimization for high-res devices, and versus mode.

Comment jouer

Le jeu Always Green est à la fois simple, passionnant et stimulant. Il nécessite une grande attention et une rapidité d'exécution très importante. L'objectif du joueur est unique : toucher le bouton vert en permanence, tout en étant capable de s'adapter rapidement aux changements survenant dans le jeu.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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