
Space exploration involves numerous hazards, particularly the impact of cosmic radiation on equipment. The spacecraft's internal programs have been wrecked, turning all Among Us into foes. Your mission is to seek out and eliminate all mutants of the same variety. Within this spacious craft, you need to discover methods for survival while taking down your opponents! Access the spaceship map by clicking on the button in the bottom right corner of your screen, and keep a sharp eye behind you since enemies may strike from that direction at any time!
Space exploration is fraught with peril, as cosmic radiation wreaks havoc on our machines. Interference causes malfunctions in every aspect of the Among Us spacecraft and their internal programming is obliterated. Your mission is to eliminate all mutants that share a common trait. As you roam this sprawling vessel, ensure your own survival by seeking out and dispatching any foes in your path! View the spaceship map by clicking the button at the lower right corner of your screen. Stay alert and keep an eye on what's behind you; enemies could materialize from there at any moment!

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