
Utilize your intelligence to save the Animals from the dangerous Bees. These deadly Bees are poised to strike, so it is up to you to create safe areas for those vulnerable creatures. Watch out! A mistake in your zone drawing will end the game, aim for lower lines to gather 3 stars. This game boasts high quality graphics that guarantee positive reviews. It has a compact size without sacrificing quality and is beneficial for your device's performance. The straightforward controls make it easy to jump right into this engaging challenge.
Put your thinking cap on to save the Animals from savage Bees. These dangerous Bees are ready to strike, so it's up to you to create safe zones for the helpless Animals. Take caution! A mistake in drawing the lines will end the game, aim for low lines to gather 3 stars. This game boasts top-notch graphics and a small file size that won't strain your device. Easy controls ensure a smooth gaming experience from start to finish. Get ready for an engaging challenge!

Comment jouer

To play Android games on your PC, use the mouse to tap and draw by clicking and holding the left button.

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