
Anime High School Simulator is a game that immerses you in the anime-inspired world of Miku, a schoolgirl who has been in love with her childhood friend Senpai for quite some time. However, Senpai's passion lies solely in kendo and he moved to a prestigious high school specializing in the sport. In order to be closer to him, Miku followed suit and enrolled at his new school. Unfortunately for her, she finds herself competing against Monika, a yandere girl who also has feelings for Senpai and is already dating him. The road ahead will challenge Miku as she strives to excel academically and win over the heart of Senpai.
Anime High School Simulator is a game that follows the adventures of Miku, an anime-style schoolgirl deeply infatuated with her childhood friend and fellow student Senpai. Unfortunately for Miku, Senpai's desire to pursue kendo led him to transfer to another highschool in Japan, leaving her heartbroken and determined to follow him. However, Monika, a yandere girl who also has feelings for Senpai and is already dating him stands in her way. To win over Senpai's love and attention, Miku will need to work hard at becoming the best student in the new school while navigating complex emotions towards both Monika and Senpai.

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