
Calling all caregivers! Baby Kim is in need of your assistance! Help nurture this charming and affectionate infant by aiding in her development. Participate in a variety of stimulating activities like dressing her up, feeding her, giving her a relaxing bubble bath, and more! Additionally, you can customize Kim's abode with decorations earned from your decorated feats. Your support will help shape Baby Kim into a lovely young lady through stylish apparel and engaging events such as playing outdoors or indulging on delicious treats from the kitchen. As an added bonus, don't forget about extending that same level of care to Kim's friends: Lea, Amy and Eve. The power is yours to make sure their growth is nurtured too!
Are you up for the challenge of caring for Baby Kim? This adorable and loving baby needs your help to grow. Give her a bubble bath, dress her up, feed her, and so much more! You can even earn decorations to personalize and decorate Kim's house just how you like it! Help Baby Kim become a beautiful little girl by styling her in cute outfits and accessories. Take adventures with her in the park, visit the doctor together, or bake sweet treats in the kitchen! And why not lend a hand to care for some of Kim's friends too? Lea, Amy, and Eve are all looking forward to spending time with you on this exciting journey!

Comment jouer

Habillez votre bébé avec les tenues les plus mignonnes et les accessoires les plus élégants. Embellissez la maison de Baby Kim, gagnez des récompenses et améliorez sa demeure. Nettoyez votre bébé avec des savons parfumés pour qu'il soit propre et brillant. Prenez soin de lui lorsqu'il est malade.

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