Baby Taylor Babysitter Daycare is a browser-game that can be played on devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. The game revolves around taking care of Taylor's cousin who is under one year old, while his aunt is occupied with work. However, unforeseen circumstances arise in the form of an emergency meeting for the baby's mother. You are tasked with feeding and playing with the little one, among other responsibilities that come with babysitting. Be sure to check if he has a soiled diaper and change it quickly!
Baby Taylor Babysitter Daycare is an online HTML5 game that can be played on browsers like Safari and Chrome, as well as smartphones and tablets such as iPhones, iPads, Samsungs, Android devices, and Windows phones. Today, Taylor's aunt has a urgent work meeting to attend leaving her cousin who is under one year old in need of care. Fortunately, Taylor and mom have decided to take charge for the day. Taking care of a baby requires effort but you can assist by feeding or playing with the baby whenever needed. If you notice that his diaper needs changing then do it at once!
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