
Taylor truly enjoys the summer season. During this time, she gets to wear lovely outfits, have a break from school or work, and indulge in scrumptious desserts like ice cream. Making her own sweet treats is a favorite activity of Taylor's; it brings her joy to share them with friends. As she now owns a dessert shop for the summer months, let us visit and observe which desserts are popular among customers! Assist Taylor in managing this dessert shop, please.
Taylor absolutely adores summer. During this time of the year, she receives great pleasure from wearing stylish clothes, going on holiday and indulging in delightful ice cream and sweet treats. Taylor is particularly fond of inventing her own dessert recipes which she often generously shares with her buddies. As a result of opening her very own summer dessert outlet, let's take the opportunity to explore what kinds of sweet delicacies are popular amongst our clientele! We kindly request your assistance in helping Taylor manage this establishment!

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