
During a family vacation, young Ben Tennyson stumbled upon an enigmatic gadget called the Omnitrix. With its help, he can metamorphose into ten distinct extraterrestrial beings that each possess extraordinary capabilities. However, he is currently facing a dilemma and requires assistance in thwarting nefarious individuals to save the planet.
Sur le lieu de vacances familial, Ben Tennyson, âgé de dix ans, fait la découverte d'un appareil mystérieux appelé l'Omnitrix. Ce dernier lui permet de se métamorphoser en 10 formes extraterrestres différentes dotées de super-pouvoirs uniques. Désormais confronté à une situation difficile, tu peux aider Ben à sauver le monde des vilains qui menacent sa sécurité.

Comment jouer

Utilize the arrow keys to maneuver, initiate a standard assault with 'z,' and execute a powerful super attack by pressing 'x.' If operating on a mobile device, utilize the in-screen joystick for movement.

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