
Get ready for an exhilarating experience in Boom Stick Bazooka, a dynamic online game where you can personalize your bazooka and destroy platforms and enemy stickmen. Stay on your toes as the black stickmen are perched in towers, ready to shoot at you if you hesitate for a moment, putting your three lives at risk. With three opportunities to take aim and shoot in each level, don't worry about making mistakes – simply try again or buy additional ammo. To dispatch enemies efficiently, detonate barrels to cause explosions that will bring down their towers swiftly.
Enter the explosive world of Boom Stick Bazooka, an online game where you can personalize your bazooka and demolish platforms and enemy stickmen. Prepare for a thrilling experience as you face off against black stickmen perched in towers who will continuously shoot at you to deplete your three lives. With only three opportunities to aim and fire in each level, make sure to keep moving or buy extra ammo if needed. To take out enemies swiftly, target the barrels to cause explosions that topple their towers.

Comment jouer

With only three bazooka rounds at your disposal, eliminate all enemies in the game by strategically utilizing heavy objects or setting off nearby barrel explosions to take out the stickmen and destroy the towers. To play, simply aim and shoot using the mouse or tap on the screen and drag to fire.

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