In Bunnyville, a charming pink rabbit named Hoppy aspires to be the top egg collector. The town organizes the Egg-stravaganza annually, where rabbits leap over elastics to capture special colored eggs. To succeed, Hoppy must conquer intricate paths with obstacles and moving elastics. As more eggs are gathered, new sections of Bunnyville unlock with greater difficulties. The ultimate achievement is locating the elusive Rainbow Egg nestled in the toughest corner of Bunnyville.
In the fantastical realm of Bunnyville, Hoppy, a small pink rabbit with big dreams, aspires to be the top egg collector. Annually, Bunnyville stages the Egg-stravaganza event where rabbits leap over elastics to capture mystical colored eggs. To succeed, Hoppy must maneuver through intricate paths teeming with dynamic elastics and cunning obstacles. With every egg collected, fresh sections of Bunnyville unlock presenting even more formidable trials. The prized Rainbow Egg lurks in the most arduous sector of Bunnyville awaiting discovery as the ultimate achievement for Hoppy.
Clicking or tapping the mouse will start the game.
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