City Bike Ride is a fantastic cycling simulator that offers two exceptional bicycles to ride, three diverse environments to showcase impeccable stunts and tricks, and an abundance of enjoyment. You can explore freely without any time constraints or objectives holding you back.
City Bike Ride is an exciting bicycle simulation game which allows you to choose from two superb bikes and ride them through three different environments. You can perform incredible stunts and tricks, while having a blast. There are no limitations with regards to time or objectives, giving you complete freedom to explore wherever your heart desires.
Utilize either the arrow keys or WASD to maneuver. Press X to engage the rear brake, while R will restart the game. For a full reset, press RightShift + R. Use C to switch up your direction and Space bar for a bunnyhop. To turn left by 180 degrees, tap M or execute a backflip with N. Bunny jump right using B and return to the main menu with Esc.
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