
In the game Connect image, players begin with picture pieces on the bottom row and a shadow in the center of the screen. The goal is to assemble the puzzle pieces onto their correct places on the shadow to form the complete picture. To play, simply select a puzzle piece, drag and drop it onto its corresponding part of the shadow. If it fits correctly, continue this process until the entire picture is finished. Unlike traditional puzzles, each piece represents a specific part of the figure rather than just a shape. Once all pieces are placed correctly, the game will automatically display the completed image for you to admire.
In Connect image game, players must start by arranging puzzle pieces onto their correct places on a shadow to form the picture. Simply drag and drop each piece onto the corresponding part of the shadow until the entire picture is complete. Unlike standard puzzles, each piece represents a specific part of the figure rather than just a shape. Once all pieces are in place, the game will automatically reveal the full picture.

Comment jouer

Click or tap on the mouse to begin playing.

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