
game centers around an inquisitive, teal extraterrestrial who is camouflaged in a violet feline outfit. Accompanying this peculiar being are two companions: Max, an actual corpulent and plush golden cat constantly doted on by their affectionate caregiver Betty, as well as Gark. Prepare to traverse through streets filled with lucrative currency and treacherous adversaries while enduring perilous blows from threatening pugilistic sausages intent on toppling you with one swift strike. Counterfeit Cat: Nine Lives!!! is readily available for free online play on various smartphones or tablets such as iPhone, iPad, Samsung devices, along with other Apple and Android operating systems.
game revolves around a blue alien in a purple cat outfit and his feline companion, Max, who is big, chubby, fluffy and adored by his owner Betty. As you explore the streets filled with riches and enemies galore alongside your best friends Gark and Max, keep an eye out for vicious sausages that can flatten you with just one blow. Enjoy this free online game - Counterfeit Cat: Nine Lives!!! - on any smartphone or tablet like iPhone, iPad, Samsung as well as other Apple or Android systems.

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