
Crazy Climber 3D is a hyper casual game that utilizes 3D graphics to immerse players in an obstacle course. Your goal is to reach the finish line while avoiding obstacles placed throughout each level. Keep moving left and right in order to escape danger, and be sure to collect pieces of steps scattered on the ground so you can overcome larger challenges you'll encounter along the way. Additionally, try your best to gather yellow diamonds as well - they can be used to purchase new characters which will aid in your progress through the infinite levels available in this game. Crazy Climber 3D is also available for play on mobile devices!
Crazy Climber 3D is a hyper casual game with a 3D format. Its objective is to reach the finish line without encountering any obstacles. The gameplay involves moving left and right while picking up step segments from the floor to construct your way past larger hurdles. Along the way, you can collect yellow diamonds that allow you to purchase new characters and advance further in the game. This infinite-level game can also be played on mobile devices.

Comment jouer

Sur ordinateur, déplacez-vous vers la droite en appuyant sur D ou la flèche droite et vers la gauche en appuyant sur A ou la flèche gauche. Pour grimper, utilisez la barre d'espace. Sur mobile, déplacez-vous vers la droite en faisant glisser votre doigt de droite à gauche et vers la gauche en faisant glisser votre doigt de gauche à droite. Pour monter, cliquez sur l'endroit noir disponible.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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