
Upon awakening behind the scenes, you find yourself surrounded by monsters and enigmas. The inhabitants of this place are not welcoming to unexpected visitors, so it is advisable to avoid detection. Your path to escape lies in gathering scattered soda cans throughout the area, but beware of the alert creatures lurking nearby! Will you successfully navigate your way out, or be trapped here indefinitely?
Upon awakening backstage, you are surrounded by creatures and enigmas. The residents of this place are not welcoming to unexpected visitors, so it is best to avoid detection. In order to escape the backstage area, one must gather soda cans that have been strewn about. However, proceed with caution as the lurking monsters are incredibly watchful! Will you manage to find your way out? If not, then prepare yourself for a prolonged stay in this mysterious realm!

Comment jouer

PC controls for movement are done using the keys WASD, while jumping is achieved by pressing the space bar. Smartphone controls include using the left joystick to move, the right joystick to turn, and a button for jumping.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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