
Dark Ninja is a courageous protagonist who must traverse the rocky village and vanquish his red ninja adversaries, who pose the greatest threat to him! Utilize various tactics such as sprinting, leaping, utilizing a parachute to descend swiftly from high places, disappearing into thin air thanks to invisibility, slipping along smoothly by dashing across the ground on your belly, flinging shurikens with precision accuracy or using special moves tailored for your specific needs in order to defeat foes and speedily make it through the area. Don't forget to gather up every last ninja coin you can lay hands on in order to tally points while also keeping an eye out for energy potions that will enhance your power levels.
Dark Ninja is a courageous figure who must navigate the rocky village, eradicate his greatest foes--the red ninjas--and do so with haste. Employ various tactics including sprinting, leaping, gliding with a parachute, becoming invisible, sliding across the ground at lightning speed (dashing), hurling shurikens to take out adversaries and capitalizing on special moves to expedite your passage. Don't forget to gather as many ninja coins as possible for scoring purposes and replenish your energy stores by collecting potions along the way.

Comment jouer

Utilise les touches fléchées pour déplacer A-shuriken sur le bouton tactile mobile à l'écran.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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