Dead Faces Clone Online is a sinister 3D game that combines collecting objects, solving mysteries, facing terror, and experiencing intense intrigue. It can be played for free on any web browser. Players take on the role of a protagonist trapped in a mysterious building filled with strange occurrences. By exploring their surroundings, following directions to find hidden objects, and conquering each level bravely, they must navigate through the challenges ahead.
Dead Faces Clone Online is a dark horror 3D game that incorporates elements of object collecting, mystery solving, terror, and intrigue. It can be played for free on any web browser. Players assume the role of a protagonist trapped in a mysterious building filled with strange occurrences. To progress through the levels, they must explore their surroundings, follow directions to find hidden objects, and conquer challenges without succumbing to fear.
Use the W A S D keys to move, your mouse to look around, the left mouse button to shoot, and the right mouse button to aim. Scroll on your mouse wheel to switch weapons, press R to reload, E to interact with items, use Left Shift to run or Left C to crouch. Press Spacebar when you need to jump.
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