
Localize all the hunters and build a collective to eliminate the Jungle predator. It's recommended to expand your team considering the strength of the beast. Thereupon, amass an extensive group by initiating a solitary run and accumulating individuals in route. Steer your crew through various moving obstructions while evaluating actions fluidly to preserve as many members as you can.
Discover all the hunters and unite them into a group to eliminate the Jungle predator. It is important to prevent hurdles by creating a sizeable team as this beast proves formidable. ACCUMULATE THE LARGEST ASSEMBLY Commence your journey alone and amass individuals along your route in order to accumulate an enormous gathering of people. Guide your squad through various forms of mobile, revolving, and enlarging obstructions while determining your actions on-the-go, endeavoring to rescue numerous members from harm's way.

Comment jouer

Faites avancer la foule jusqu'à atteindre le tigre situé à la fin du niveau et triomphez de lui lors du combat final pour conquérir la forteresse.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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