
Dino Hunter: Killing Strand is an immersive shooting game with a high level of intensity in either first or third person perspective.
Dino Hunter: Killing Strand is an extremely immersive game that falls into the category of Third/First Person Shooters.

Comment jouer

Mouse 1 can shoot the weapon, while Mouse 2 has the option to adjust aim or prevent attacks. The player can move using W,A,S,D keys and sprint by pressing Left Shift. To crouch, use Left Ctrl and for prone position press X. For jumps, use Space key and F to activate items. Reload weapons with R command, holster them using H key, or throw grenades with G button. Change camera view via C button and execute melee attacks with V command . Activate bullet time by hitting T key and take a break from gameplay by pausing with Esc or Tab buttons.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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