Embark on a styling journey for 6 unique events: prom night, shopping excursion, wedding ceremony, international beauty pageant, pop singer competition and movie star award gala. Every occasion features exquisite attire with stunning dresses, skirts, tops, jackets, capes and shawls to name a few. Discover an assortment of chic hairstyles along with fancy shoes and luxury accessories such as stylish handbags and opulent jewelry. Additionally you have the option to choose the ethnicity of the models.
Assistez six événements uniques en stylisant des modèles splendides pour chacun : soirée de bal, course shopping, cérémonie de mariage, concours international de beauté, compétition de chanteuse pop et remise de prix à une star du cinéma. Chaque occasion a sa propre garde-robe avec des robes spectaculaires, des jupes élégantes, des hauts raffinés, des vestes chics, des capes somptueuses ainsi que tout un tas d'accessoires glamour tels que coiffures sophistiquées et chaussures chic assorties à leurs sacs à main luxueux ou bijoux somptueux. Bien entendu vous pouvez également choisir la race des filles.
With an extensive range of clothing options, the game offers a vast array that surpasses even what you would typically find in a cosplay fashion simulator. Allow your passion for fashion to shine through and hone your skills as a designer and image creator for renowned actors, celebrities, and top models.
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