
Duo Apple Monsters is an exhilarating adventure game set in the magical world of Appleton, where Red and Green Apple must collect apples and overcome obstacles to save their home. Unfortunately, their world is thrown into darkness when the wicked sorcerer Morula arrives on the scene. In order to restore peace and light to their land, Red and Green Apple join forces and embark on a 13-level journey filled with challenges that they must conquer by collecting more apples along the way. Victory over Morula is ultimately achieved, leaving them triumphant in saving the day.
Duo Apple Monsters is an exhilarating adventure game that involves gathering apples and conquering challenges. The protagonists, Red Apple and Green Apple, reside in the enchanting world of Appleton. Morula, a malevolent sorcerer emerges one day to plunge the once vibrant land into darkness. In response, Red and Green join hands to rescue their home. Across 13 levels they collect apples while surmounting obstacles until they finally conquer Morula, reinstating harmony within the realms of Appleton.

Comment jouer

Le personnage masculin vert se déplace avec les touches fléchées tandis que le personnage en couleur cerise est contrôlé avec les touches WASD pour récolter des pommes.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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