
finally being released in 2013 as a Walt Disney Pictures production. Based on "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen, this American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy film follows the adventurous journey of a brave princess who embarks on an expedition with her rough-and-tumble ice-cutter friend, his devoted reindeer companion, and an innocent snowman to locate her distant sibling. Unfortunately, her sister's accidental use of frozen magic has left their realm shrouded in perpetual winter. Prior to its release, Frozen had undergone numerous revisions to its plotline.
being finalized as a 3D computer-animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures in 2013. The source of inspiration for this movie was the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" written by Hans Christian Andersen. It follows the journey of a brave princess who, with the help of an iceman, his reindeer and a snowman, embarks on a quest to rescue her estranged sister from eternal winter brought about unintentionally by her icy powers. Prior to its release, Frozen underwent multiple story treatments before reaching its final form.

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