
In the year 2075, following an alien invasion that left Earth nearly devoid of life and oxygen, only cacti managed to survive. The aliens are determined to eliminate or take the remaining plants in order to eradicate any signs of life on Earth. Granny, a courageous woman who tends to her cacti along the road to ensure they receive sunlight, must now defend them from the extraterrestrial threat. She has learned that the aliens have a fear of human pills and she has a plentiful supply of them on hand, as well as a loaded shotgun for emergencies.
In the year 2075, following an alien invasion, Earth was left barren of life and oxygen. The lone survivors were cacti, which the aliens sought to destroy or steal in order to eradicate all remaining life on the planet. Granny, a courageous woman who tended her cacti along the road for optimal sunlight exposure, now found herself in a position to defend them from the extraterrestrial threat. Through her discovery that the aliens feared human pills, she armed herself with a vast supply and kept a shotgun at the ready for any emergencies that may arise.

Comment jouer

Click and hold to target, then release to launch the pill. Destroy monsters by matching the pill's color with theirs. Keep your cacti safe and live for as long as you can!

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