
Hobo Speedster is a thrilling game where you ride motorcycles on different platforms with cartoon graphics. Your goal is to maintain balance while riding until you reach the end of each level. Collect coins and diamonds to enhance your bike at the settlement, buy new bikes from the Shop, and unlock extra riders in the Decorate section. Test your skills by exploring diverse maps and completing all 7 tasks for bonus rewards!
Hobo Speedster is a thrilling BMX game with cartoon graphics where you must balance your motorcycle to reach the finish line. Collect coins and diamonds to upgrade your bike, buy new motorcycles, and unlock more riders. Take on the challenge of completing tasks on different maps for bonus rewards!

Comment jouer

On a computer, use the A or Left arrow key to go back and the D or Right arrow key to move forward. On mobile devices, simply press and hold the on-screen accelerator buttons.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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