In Hot Air Solitaire, you'll be taken on a thrilling ride by the renowned adventurer Sir Richard Dandy. This distinguished Englishman is an accomplished pilot who can navigate his hot air balloon with ease while enjoying a cup of tea. Don't miss this opportunity to soar over the stunning sights of London! Come aboard and take flight!
Sir Richard Dandy, the renowned explorer, invites you to soar above the gorgeous views of London in Hot Air Solitaire! As an adept pilot, this British gentleman navigates his hot air balloon effortlessly and even enjoys a cup of tea during the journey. Join him on this exhilarating adventure and experience the thrill of flight!
Hot Air Solitaire is a variation of the famous golf solitaire which challenges you to eliminate cards on the playing field by matching them with those that are either 1 higher or lower in value. Aces can be paired with both Kings and Twos, for instance. The lengthier your sequence of matched cards, the more exponential points you'll earn as indicated by your combo meter. In this game, two jokers have been added; they complement any other card!
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