
Jungle Monkey Run 2: Banana Adventure is a free 2D adventure game that serves as the second installment of our platform game "Jungle Monkey Run." This app previously garnered over one million downloads on Google Play. The story follows Monkey Kong, who lived peacefully in a jungle with his children and their abundance of bananas. However, everything changes when an Angry Bird kidnaps his son and absconds to the dinosaur-infested jungle with all their bananas. Players will navigate through four worlds, each comprising 24 levels filled with various challenges to overcome.
Jungle Monkey Run 2: Banana Adventure is a 2D adventure game that's free to play. It's the second installment of our platform game, Jungle Monkey Run, which has surpassed one million downloads on Google Play. The story follows Monkey Kong, a monkey who lived peacefully in the jungle with his children and their bounty of bananas. One day, an Angry Bird swoops in and kidnaps Monkey Kong's son along with most of their bananas before heading towards the dinosaur-filled jungle. With four worlds and twenty-four levels full of action-packed challenges, this game guarantees endless excitement!

Comment jouer

Jungle Monkey Run 2 Banana Adventure is a free 2D adventure game. It's the second installment of our platform game Jungle Monkey Run, which has surpassed one million downloads on Google Play.

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