Attention! Attention! A group of robotized Japanese girls has emerged with the intention of annihilating your educational institution. You possess the exclusive capability to thwart their destructive plans! Harness your diverse abilities to impede their advances and emerge as a contemporary superhero. Swiftly embark on a mission to rescue your school without delay.
Attention! Attention! Schoolgirls from Japan have been converted into robotic beings with the intention of causing harm. It falls upon you as the sole defender to thwart their advances. Utilize your diverse set of abilities to impede their mission. Embrace your destiny as the contemporary hero and promptly safeguard your educational institution without delay!
Repoussez les robots féminins qui s'approchent de vous. Ils ne doivent pas détruire votre école. Utilisez vos super-pouvoirs. Vous pouvez geler les robots, les paralyser, les abattre... en bref, vous devez détruire vos ennemis intelligemment.
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