Meera Quest 2, an anime-themed platformer in 2D, features a charming protagonist named Meera who must gather keys to flee the Monster world. She faces daunting challenges like evading monsters, winged demons and their ammunition, fiery hazards such as lava and fire while navigating past spikes towards the Exit door leading to subsequent levels. As you progress through eight increasingly demanding stages of gameplay, you are met with more challenging difficulties. This is the sequel to "Meera Quest," introducing gamers to new adventures.
Meera Quest 2, a platformer styled after anime in 2D, casts you as Meera- an adorable young woman. Her objective is to evade monsters and their ammunition, flying demons, lava, fire and spikes while collecting keys and finding the Exit door so she can leave Monster World behind. Eight distinct stages are available for play with rising difficulty. This sequel is part of the "Meera Quest" franchise.
Utilisez les touches WASD ou les flèches directionnelles pour le mouvement du joueur. Pour effectuer un double saut, utilisez deux fois la touche W ou la flèche vers le haut.
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