
In Merge Gun: FPS Shooting Zombies, your goal is to eliminate all approaching undead enemies. Prior to entering the battle, you have the option to purchase additional firearms and combine duplicates to create upgraded weapons. Equipped with enhanced ammunition capacity and speed, you will be better equipped to handle the incoming threats. Stay focused as both zombies and crows will continue their advance even while you are reloading. Remain composed and target explosive oil cans on the ground when necessary for added firepower.
The primary objective of Merge Gun: FPS Shooting Zombies is to eliminate approaching undead enemies before they eliminate you. Prior to engaging in battle, it is advisable to acquire additional firearms and combine identical weapons to create more advanced ones. Equipped with enhanced firepower and rapid ammunition reloads, you will be better equipped to handle oncoming adversaries. It is crucial to remain composed as both zombies and crows continue their advance even while you are reloading your weapon. Utilize explosive oil cans strategically when needed.

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