Monkeys require a grocery store to fulfill their shopping needs. Get started on opening your own mini market today. The first step is growing bananas, as they are the favorite food of these customers. Once ripe, place the bananas on the counter for sale. As more customers arrive, collect eggs from the chickens fed with bananas and display them too. Use the profits to offer items like banana puree canned food, flour, bread, and milk. Get ready for an exciting shopping experience!
Monkeys require a mini market for their shopping needs. Create your own grocery store now. Their preferred food is bananas, so begin by growing them. Once ripe, display the bananas on the counter. Customers are already arriving, so also gather eggs from the chickens you feed with bananas and place them out for sale. Use the funds you save to stock items like banana puree canned goods, flour, bread, and milk. Let's enjoy this exciting shopping experience!
Use the mouse to guide your monkey and kick off the game by harvesting bananas. Expand your collection of items and stands with your accumulated funds.
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