these skilled little heroes in their quest to defeat a monstrous apocalypse, featuring notorious creatures such as Slenderman, Huggy Wuggy and Fredy. These merciless monsters have managed to hypnotize soldiers with the intention of eliminating all participants, but our expert team of 3 impostors won't back down from the challenge. Will you join them in this thrilling adventure? Get ready for an engaging gameplay that will put your skills to test! Take charge and eliminate all the monsters with these tiny heroes - let the fun begin! Game Features: Control...
the heroes to defeat the monsters in this new version of Squid Games. The apocalypse has brought together notorious creatures like Slenderman, Huggy Wuggy and Freddy, who have managed to control soldiers through hypnosis to target all participants. Fortunately, a team comprising three skilled small impostors have risen up to challenge these beasts and emerge as winners. Are you ready to take charge of these little heroes and vanquish the monsters? Join this game for some thrilling action! Features include controlling your heroes as they eliminate enemies.
Déplace-toi avec les flèches du clavier, change de héros en pressant C, tire avec la touche Z et utilise ta capacité spéciale X. Sur les appareils mobiles, appuie simplement sur les boutons du jeu.
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