Try to conquer the challenges swiftly in this game that serves as a continuation of Moto Maniac, but with an altered setting. This opportunity entails crossing a bridge at night that is currently undergoing construction. You must exercise caution to prevent falling into the abyss or head injuries while facing hurdles on your path through extreme darkness. Thankfully, you possess a drone capable of illuminating your route.
Succeed at quick obstacle navigation in this new game, the follow-up to Moto Maniac. The gameplay occurs on a bridge during nighttime construction, making it imperative to avoid falling or hitting obstacles. Additionally, visibility is limited; luckily, players have access to a drone that provides illumination.
Avancer (W) ou Reculer (S) - Mouvement avant/arrière Gauche (A) ou Droite (D) - Inclinaison à gauche/droite P - Pause
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