The goal of BasketGo: Incredible Basketball is to successfully toss a basketball into the basket using an assortment of tools such as a clapper box, wooden blocks, spinners, escalators, and more. In the event that you are unsuccessful in your attempts, experiment with altering the sequence in which items are clicked or changing their characteristics.
The goal of BasketGo: Incredible Basketball is to toss a basketball into the basket by utilizing different items like clapper boxes, wooden blocks, spinners, and escalators. If you are unsuccessful in your attempts, consider altering the sequence of item activations or adjusting their attributes.
L'objectif du jeu est de faire entrer un ballon de basket dans le panier à l'aide d'objets variés tels qu'une boîte à claquer, des blocs en bois, des plateaux tournants ou des escaliers mécaniques. Si vous échouez, essayez de changer l'ordre dans lequel vous cliquez sur les objets ou modifiez leurs propriétés.
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