
Welcome to Pin Detective - Mystery Mansion! A wealthy woman has gone missing in a luxurious mansion rumored to be haunted by ghosts and dangerous creatures. An expert detective is determined to solve the mystery. By pulling pins, you can gather clues that reveal the truth about what happened to the billionaire and why there is a biological laboratory filled with alien animals in the mansion. Use your wits to unravel this puzzling mystery.
Welcome to Pin Detective - Mystery Mansion! A wealthy woman has disappeared in a luxurious mansion shrouded in rumors of ghosts and dangerous creatures. An adept detective is determined to solve the mystery by unraveling clues hidden behind pins. What fate befell the billionaire? And why does the mansion boast a biological laboratory filled with alien animals? Engage your mind and solve this perplexing puzzle to unlock the truth.

Comment jouer

Pull the pin to delve into the mansion and solve the mystery. One wrong move could jeopardize your safety and cost you dearly. Utilize coins for refurbishments on the mansion and wardrobe upgrades.

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