
Pixel Hero Warfare is an enjoyable game that utilizes Minecraft-like visuals and gameplay, allowing you to control a pixelated character and compete against online opponents for supremacy in various game modes, including team deathmatch where you fight as part of a group against another group, or solo deathmatch where you battle against everyone else on your own.
Pixel Hero Warfare is an entertaining first-person shooter that employs Minecraft-inspired visuals and mechanics. Take charge of a pixelated avatar and engage in thrilling online battles against other players to establish supremacy on the battlefield. The game boasts several exciting game modes, including team deathmatch (joining forces with your teammates to defeat another squad) and free-for-all deathmatch (fighting solo against all other individuals).

Comment jouer

Pour vous déplacer, utilisez les touches WASD ou les flèches directionnelles. Le clic gauche vous permet de tirer, tandis que les touches numérotées 1 à 9 vous permettent de changer d'arme. Appuyez sur R pour recharger, Shift pour courir et la barre d'espace pour sauter. Pour vous accroupir, appuyez sur C, et Ctrl pour ramper. Enfin, utilisez Tab pour ouvrir le menu.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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