survive. You've just infected Patient Zero with your disease, and now you must strategize to create a deadly, all-encompassing pandemic that will bring an end to humanity. Developer Ndemic Creations has created a game that takes strategy gaming to new heights by allowing you to adapt your disease to every defense mechanism humanity has in place. With creative gameplay and a focus on screenplay, this game is sure to push the limits of the genre and challenge even the most skilled PUBG players out there. It's a battle between you and the rest of humanity, and only those who can rise above the fray will be victorious.
A person has been infected with your disease which marks the beginning of the end for humanity. Your objective is to create a deadly, worldwide epidemic and overcome any countermeasures put forth by humanity. Ndemic Creations has developed an innovative strategy game that's tailored for the screen, revolutionizing the genre and challenging players like yourself to reach new levels of skill. It's a battle between you and everyone else in the world, with only those who are strongest managing to survive.
Pour déplacer votre personnage sur la carte, utilisez les touches WASD.
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