
In a distant magical realm, on an island resides Princess Goldsword, a friendly creature known as Trinks. The brave princess has their unwavering loyalty and protects them from various dangers. However, tragedy strikes when monsters from the waters steal all of Trinks' treasures and even take children captive. Now, the mission is to assist Princess Goldsword in retrieving the stolen items while navigating dangerous obstacles like monsters, traps, and challenges of every kind.
In a fantastical realm on a distant island, Princess Goldsword, a friendly creature known as Trinks resides with unwavering loyalty from the brave princess. However, tragedy strikes as monsters from the depths not only steal all of Trinks' treasures but also kidnap children. Princess Goldsword must now embark on a perilous mission to retrieve the stolen valuables while encountering various obstacles like monsters, traps, and tests along the way.

Comment jouer

To launch a strike, press C; to leap into the air, hit X.

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Jeux similaires à Princess Goldsword and The Land of Water

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