
This is an exciting gunfight game that starts off with a clear mission: to explore the causes of a disaster. To control your movements in the game, use the joystick found in the left control area to move forward, backward, left or right. When you come across zombies, take them out with your trusty guns! Keep in mind though - shooting at zombies might draw other undead creatures towards you. For precise aiming and firing while fighting off these flesh-eaters swipe on the right half of your screen. You can also find useful supplies by exploring buildings within the game world as directed by prompts from the gameplay itself.
This engaging game is a thrilling gunfight adventure that starts off with a mission to investigate the cause of an outbreak. Utilizing the left control area, players can easily navigate their way around different environments. By confronting zombies along the way and using guns as weapons, you must be careful not to attract other zombies in close proximity. The right half of your screen also comes into play by allowing users to aim before automatic shooting takes place. Don't forget to check buildings for essential supplies! Follow helpful prompts throughout the game to fully explore and immerse yourself within this exciting world.

Comment jouer

La zone de contrôle du côté gauche est gérée par le joystick pour la direction. Faites glisser la moitié droite de l'écran pour viser, puis le tir se fera automatiquement après avoir effectué votre visée.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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