
Renowned YouTuber baker, Rosanna Pansino, hosts the widely acclaimed cooking show on the internet – Nerdy Nummies. In this show, she concocts scrumptious recipes like cakes, cupcakes and cookies inspired by various programs such as Harlequin, Star Wars and Adventure Time among others. To ensure her program continues to flourish, she relies on assistance from friends in terms of selecting appropriate attire and accessories to complement the recipe of the day. Lend Rosanna a hand to create yet another crowd-pleasing episode!
Rosanna Pansino is a well-known baker on Youtube who hosts the popular cooking show, Nerdy Nummies. On her show, she showcases delightful recipes for cakes, cupcakes and cookies inspired by various characters and TV programs such as Harlequin, Star Wars and Adventure Time. In order to maintain the popularity of her program, Rosanna relies on her friends to assist her in selecting appropriate clothing and accessories that complement the recipe of the day. Join hands with Rosanna to create yet another episode that is sure to garner plenty of likes!

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