Rotuman 2, a sequel to the original "Rotuman" game, is a 2D platformer that requires players to gather golden keys while dodging different threats such as red and green enemies, flying creatures, and spikes. The ultimate goal is to safely reach your house so you can unlock the next level. Be prepared though because each of the eight levels gets progressively harder as you advance through them.
Rotuman 2, a 2D game, requires players to gather golden keys and avoid hazards like red and green foes, flying creatures, and spikes before reaching their house. The game features eight levels of increasing difficulty and is the second part of the "Rotuman" series.
Déplacez le joueur en utilisant les touches WASD ou les flèches directionnelles. Effectuez un double saut en appuyant deux fois sur la touche W ou la flèche vers le haut.
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