
"Save My Doge" is the sequel to an endearing game that has captured the hearts of children worldwide. The objective is to rescue a distressed puppy by using your drawing abilities to construct barriers around it. Exercise caution and agility because timing is crucial when dealing with such jeopardy. Are you up for saving this adorable creature? Let's begin!
"Save My Doge" is the beloved sequel to a charming game adored by children worldwide. The objective of the gameplay involves saving an imperiled small dog through artistic creation, using quick and careful strokes to craft protective barriers surrounding it. Can you rise to the challenge and demonstrate your imaginative prowess? If so, let's get started on this exciting mission to rescue our furry friend!

Comment jouer

Touchez l'écran pour tracer une ligne. Attendez 10 secondes pour éviter que les abeilles ne blessent Doge.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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