
Once you fled Slender-man's grasp in your residence, your sanity slipped away. Your abode now lies within the asylum. Nevertheless, did you truly evade Him? Is it actual or mere imagination? This spine-chilling horror escapade will provide answers to these questions. Undertake puzzles and confront unnerving individuals with mental afflictions all while striving to depart from the psychiatric facility.
Once Slender-Man was evaded in your home, your mental state deteriorated and you now reside in the asylum. However, it remains unclear whether or not He still haunts you mentally. In this riveting horror escapade, solve enigmas and confront terrifying inmates on a quest to flee the insane asylum and discover if Slender-Man is simply a figment of imagination or a tangible threat.

Comment jouer

Souris 1 : Utilisez l'arme Souris 2 : Ajustez la visée ou bloquez les attaques W,A,S,D : Déplacez le joueur Left Shift: Courez Left Ctrl: Accroupissez-vous X : Allongez-vous Space: Sautez R : Rechargez votre arme G: Lancez une grenade T: Activez le temps de balle Esc ou Tab: Mettez en pause.

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