
Embark on an enigmatic journey, gather crystals to rescue a friend and conquer the foe. The tale unfolds with a boy and his companion being pursued by perilous monsters, ultimately resulting in the friend's capture. To liberate the friend, three crystals are required per level, tasking the player with assuming the role of the boy and securing said crystals at each stage. Exercise caution! Numerous mysterious monsters and traps lie in wait as you collect these precious gems. This game boasts top-notch graphics, compact size, and user-friendly controls.
Embark on an enigmatic journey to rescue a Friend and defeat the enemy by collecting crystals. The game follows a boy and his friend who are being pursued by dangerous monsters. Unfortunately, his friend is captured and the only way to free them is by gathering 3 crystals in each level. Players take on the role of the boy as he navigates through various challenges. Beware of mysterious monsters and traps along the way! With top-notch graphics, compact size, and easy controls, this game offers an immersive experience for players.

Comment jouer

To play Android games on PC, utilize on-screen touch buttons to manage the player. Use "Space Bar" for jumping and "X" for boosting and shielding.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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