Sarah, an uncomplicated individual, embarks on a thrilling expedition to the Ancient Forest. After encountering a forest sorcerer, she discovers that the Great Tree - which serves as the lifeblood of this historic woodland - is in perilous danger. It transpires that the Dark Lord and his subordinates contaminated the Great Tree's Heart with poison. To combat these nefarious plots, Sarah must rally her companions to battle against the foul mastermind within his fortress and rescue the imperiled Great Tree.
Sarah, an ordinary girl, embarks on a thrilling adventure to the Ancient Forest. There she meets a forest wizard who reveals that the Great Tree, which is the heart of the forest, is in peril. The Dark Lord and his minions have poisoned it. Sarah and her companions must thwart the evil plan of the Lord by battling him at his Citadel and rescuing the Great Tree.
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