
Successive groups of stick figures relentlessly attack you, biding their time for an opportunity to exploit any misstep. As the selected stick figure, your duty is to indiscriminately utilize your martial arts skills to defeat them. The reason for your selection or why these dim-witted opponents seek you out remains a mystery. Tapping on the white circle enables you to eliminate foes and accrue souls, which can be utilized for acquiring new weaponry.
Successions of stick figures relentlessly come at you in attempts to exhaust you, all hoping for your initial blunder. As the selected stickman, your task is simply to pummel them with your martial arts skills without thinking twice about it. The reason for why you were chosen or why these fools rush towards their inevitable defeat remains a mystery. Eliminate opponents by tapping on the white circle, collect souls and purchase fresh weapons.

Comment jouer

Utiliser la souris ou l'écran tactile.

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