
A thrilling puzzle adventure game where the goal is to assist Stick in his escape from a seemingly impossible prison. Stick is trapped in a menacing prison with only clever solutions, hidden objects, and puzzles standing between him and freedom. Players will navigate through different areas of the prison, carefully scrutinizing every nook and cranny for vital clues. Each room presents challenges like riddles, traps, and helpful items that can aid in the great escape.
In this thrilling puzzle game, the player must assist stick in a daring prison breakout. Stick is trapped in a mysterious and impenetrable prison, but with clever tactics, hidden objects, and puzzling obstacles, freedom may be within reach. By thoroughly investigating each room for crucial clues and utilizing found items strategically, the player can navigate through the riddles, traps, and challenges that stand between stick and escape.

Comment jouer

The player's ultimate goal is to select the appropriate items and apply them effectively on the screen in order to overcome obstacles blocking their path to freedom. Making mistakes could result in dire outcomes, underscoring the importance of caution and vigilance for the player.

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Jeux similaires à Stickman Jailbreak Story

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