
Join Stickman - Ninja of the Black Panthers as he fights against invaders in his home. Use lightning strikes and combos to defeat enemies, and roll to dodge attacks. Enhance your character's abilities to overcome all foes and reclaim your house.
Assist Stickman - a skilled Ninja affiliated with the Black Panthers clan - as he battles to defend his home against invaders. Utilize lightning strikes and combo attacks to overcome foes, while dodging enemy assaults through quick rolls. Enhance your character's abilities to ensure victory over all adversaries and reclaim your residence.

Comment jouer

Use the keyboard to control movement with WASD keys and roll by pressing Spacebar. Use the left mouse click for a sword strike and the right mouse click for a combo attack. On a phone or tablet, utilize interface buttons for navigation.

Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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Jeux similaires à Stickman Ninja Way of the Shinobi

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