
Teen Titans Hidden is an enjoyable online game that tests your skills in finding hidden objects within specified images. In total, there are 6 levels to complete, each with 10 objects cleverly concealed. Time is of the essence as you'll need to be quick to discover all items before the timer runs out. Be aware that clicking on incorrect spots multiple times will result in a penalty of 5 seconds lost from your time limit. Are you excited? Let's play and have some fun!
Teen Titans Hidden is a fun and free online game that tests your skills in finding hidden objects. Your task is to locate 10 hidden items in each of the six levels provided within a limited time frame. Be quick and accurate as clicking on the wrong spot reduces your allotted time by five seconds. Get ready to play, have fun, and challenge yourself!

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Pas de vidéo de démonstration disponible pour le moment pour ce jeu.

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